Tuesday 30 April 2013

Art of Forgiveness

On the day when my dad call me on a phone, we were discussing about forgiveness. I came up with a statement: to forgive someone I need a reason why. It is because I'm only a human, its hard for me to forgive someone who hurt my feelings and yes I'm stubborn. I agree when I agree. At that time we discussed this we weren't find any reason that I agree would be a core/fundamental/essence of forgiveness. Now I've found the reason why (yes, this blind men finally got it).

Jesus said on the cross where he were crusified, "Forgive him father because they don't know what they do".
So, if Jesus said this to his Father, so shall I say this to Jesus, my God. Because we still agree the law that absolutely true is God's word right? So, my reference is only bible. Only.

So the answer about my statement is just forgive any one because they don't know what they do to you! and how many times you should do this? 70x7x As Jesus said when Peter ask Him. No wonder that Jesus said about a child as a child is forgiving one and forgetting anyone sins. I feel peace right now because I found these words.

So here it comes a problem, people in world often said, "Its hard for me to forgiving a men/women" or "my forgiveness is limited". What will you say to them when you already know the clue that we were discussed above?

Jesus Your words is highest and purest then anything else. I only believe in you. For this world is lost.

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