Wednesday 25 December 2013

Wolfram is the chief designer of wolfram alpha

MS. Excel: Perform a regression analysis

Their types

Types of regression:
1. Linear regression
2. Exponential regression
3. Multiple regression

Their calculating

Linear regression
x is dependent
y is independent

LOGEST function
you use it to analyze data that is non-linear

GROWTH function
Find points that lie along that curve

SLOPE function


"Building a table is build a list of questions"

"Building a table is listing all the components and its range of values"

Tuesday 24 December 2013

When did you use Microsoft excel VBA

Use microsoft excel vba when do:
1. Repetitive task (search and find)
2. Modified task

But the basic is excel menu itself. The VBA is just its complement.


The dinosaurus? No, thesaurus is similliarity of a meaning

Care = Mind, Worry, Attention, Custody, Caution, Treatment
Mind, worry, attention, custody, caution, treatment are care's similliar meaning

Sunday 22 December 2013

Microsoft Excel Basic Coding

Yang berhubungan dengan Cell

How to refer to one cell in a particular sheet?
Style1: Using range property
Use: Range property + A1 Notation


Sub onecell()
End Sub

Style 2: Using index number
Use: Row Index number, Column index number, cells property
Sub onecell()
End Sub

Note: Also good for used with looping statement.

How to refer to one cell that relative to another active cell? (Relativity)
Use: offset property
This can be both do to style 1 and style 2

Sub onecell()
    Sheet1.cells(1,1).offset(1,2).Value = 10
end sub

How to refer to cells (more than one cell)
Style1: Using A1 Notation
Use: Range property + A1 Notation
Sub manycells1()
End Sub

Style2: Using Range Object
Use: dim, set, object variable

sub manycells2()
    dim a as range
    set a = sheet1.range("A1:A3")
end sub

Style3: Using shortcut notation
As the title implies, this is the shorcut of using Range word. That is, you don't have to type word Range or use Quotation marks anymore for shortcuts.

Use: [A1:A2] or [MyRange] if you have define those cells in name manager.

Sub manycells()
End sub

Note: You don't have to type word "Range" or use Quotation marks after Sheet1.

How to refer to all cell in a particular sheet
Use: cells
sub allcell()
end sub

Yang berhubungan dengan Sheet

How to refer a one sheet?
Style 1:
Use Worksheets name
Sub onesheet()
End Sub

Use Worksheets index number
Sub onesheet()
End Sub

How to refer to more than one sheets?
Use: worksheets property and array function
Sub several_sheets()
end sub

How to refer to all sheet in a workbook?
Use: Worksheets property without specifications.
Sub all_sheet()
End Sub

Yang berhubungan dengan Workbook

How to create a new workbook
Use: workbooks.add
Sub AddOne()
End sub

How to activate a workbook
Use: workbooks properties and book name(for i.e. : "book1")
Sub ActivateOne()
End sub

How to open a workbook
Use: Open method and, path to the file
Sub OpenUp()
    Workbooks.Open ("C:\Mybook")
End Sub
How to save a workbook
Use: saves or save and path to the file

Sub Save()
    Workbooks("Mybook").SaveAs ("E:\Mybook")
End Sub

Now you have enough tool to do these tasks:
1. Copy and paste from sheet1 to sheet2
Untuk pemilihan sel saya lebih prefer menggunakan keyword range daripada cells (lebih praktis) meskipun untuk seleksi satu sel saja saya tetap menggunakan keyword range.

Sub copy_paste()
End Sub

Well, you can implement those with macro recording though.

2. Adding a comment on a cell or cells

List of methods (function) of a cell

List of methods (function) of a cell, a block of cells (they are having same methods):
1. Activate
2. AddComment
3. AdvancedFilter
4. ApplyNames
5. ApplyOutlineStyles
6. AutoComplete
7. AutoFill
8. AutoFilter
9. AutoFit
10. AutoOutline
11. BorderAround
12. Calculate
13. CalculateRowMajorOrder
14. CheckSpelling
15. Clear
16. ClearComments
17. ClearContents
18. ClearFormats
19. ClearNotes
20. ClearOutline
21. ColumnDifferences
22. Consolidate
23. Copy
24. CopyFromRecordSet
25. CopyPicture
26. CreateNames
27. Cut
28. DataSeries
29. Delete
30. DialogBox
31. Dirty
32. EditionOptions
33. ExportAsFixedFormat
34. FillDown
35. FillLeft
36. FillRight
37. FillUp
38. Find
39. FindNext
40. FindPrevious
41. FunctionWizard
42. Group
43. Insert
44. InsertIndent
45. Justify
46. ListNames
47. Merge
48. NavigateArrow
49. NoteText
50. Parse
51. PasteSpecial
52. PrintOut
53. PrintPreview
54. RemoveDuplicates
55. RemoveSubtotals
56. Replace
57. RowDifferences
58. Run
59. Select
60. SetPhonetic
61. Show
62. ShowDependents
63. ShowErrors
64. ShowPrecedents
65. Sort
66. SortSpecial
67. Speak
68. SpecialCells
69. SubscribeTo
70. SubTotal
71. Table
72. TextToColumns
73. Ungroup
74. Unmerge

Saturday 21 December 2013

Email component and their functions

1. Receives mail from client
2. forward mail between servers using SMTP

1. Resolves final delivery issues
2. performs actual delivery to user's mailbox

1.Client used to access and to read mail
2. retrieves mail using POP

DNS record type and the resources that it identifies

NS = Authoritative name server

CNAME = canonical or Fully Qualified Domain Name for an alias

MX = Maps a domain name to a list of mail exchange server for that domain

A = End device address

Cisco Packet Tracer 6.1 components

 Cisco Router:

1. Cisco 1841
2. Cisco 1941
3. Cisco 2620XM
4. Cisco 2621XM
5. Cisco 2811
6. Cisco 2901
7. Cisco 2911

Cisco Switch:

1. Cisco 2950-24
2. Cisco 2950T
3. Cisco 2960
4. Cisco 3560 24 PS


1. HTTP Server
2. DHCP server
3. TFTP server
4. DNS server
5. SYSLOG server
6. AAA server
7. NTP server
8. EMAIL server
9. FTP server
10. FIREWALL server

Router modules:

1. NM-1E
2. NM-1E2W
3. NM-1FE-FX
4. NM-1FE-TX
5. NM-1FE2W
6. NM-2E2W
7. NM-2FE2W
8. NM-2W
9. NM-4A/S
10. NM-4E
11. NM-8A/S
12. NM-8AM
13. NM-Cover
14. NM-ESW-161
15. HWIC-2T
17. HWIC-8A
19. WIC-1AM
21. WIC-1T
22. WIC-2AM
23. WIC-2T
24. WIC-Cover

Friday 20 December 2013

The 9 hardest things programmers have to do

1. Naming things
2. Explainning what I do and don't do
3. Estimating time to complete task
4. Dealing with other people
5. Working with someone else's code
6. Implementing functionality you disagree with
7. Writing documentation
8. Writing test
9. Designing a solution

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Visual Basic LAB

7. Visual basic Errors
Error tergolong atas:
1. Logic error
2. Syntax error

Panduan melihat error: Jendela Error list 

39. Messagebox
- Message/prompt
- Buttons
- Title
- Icon

dim a = msgbox ("Aloha?",vbYesNo, "Asek?")
if"click something", "title", messagebuttons.abort,

38. Toolbox
- Dock : None, top,
   - item: hello, onlivegamer,

 37. Visual basic form properties
Changing (name):
- Mengubah nama panggilan form.

Changing backcolor:
- Mengubah warna layar utama jendela (bukan layar title).
- System color : Warna-warna yang biasanya digunakan pada sistem (Windows 7 misalnya)
- Web color: Warna yang biasanya digunakan dalam web. Web biasanya membutuhkan lebih banyak variasi warna. Makanya variasi warna web color lebih banyak dari system color.

Changing background image
- Mengubah gambar latar form
- Jika ukuran gambar yang digunakan lebih kecil dari ukuran layar, gambar akan di-tile

 Changing icon
- Mengubah gambar icon jendela formborder title

Changing formborder style
- None, fixedsingle, fixed3d,  fixeddialog, sizable, fixedtoolwindow, sizabletoolwindow
- None: Tidak pakai/tidak ada formborder
- Fixedsingle:
- Fixed3D
- FixedDialog
- Sizable
- Fixedtoolwindow
- Sizabletoolwindow

Change MaximizeBox
- Change whether form can be maximized or not

Change Minimize Box
- Change whether form can minimized or not

Change opacity
- Change the transparency of the form

Changing text (form's title)
- change form's title

Change transparency key

Kondisi maju atau mundurnya suatu perusahaan tergantung dari pendapatan.
Besar / kecilnya pendapatan tergantung dari banyaknya barang yang terjual.

jika perusahaan maju, maka pendapatan besar.
jika perusahaan mundur, maka pendapatan kecil.

lebih ke sebab-akibat

if perusahaan = "maju" then console.writeline = "
else :
    if perusahaan = "mundur" then console.writeline ("Pendapatan kecil")
end if

Jika kasus diperluas, bahwa maju mundurnya perusahaan bukan hanya dari meningkatnya pendapatan, tapi juga berkurangnya pengeluaran

if pendapatan = "meningkat"
    if pengeluaran = "berkurang"
        then console.writeline ("Perusahaan maju")
    console.writeline ("Perusahaan tidak maju")

26. Visual Basic Form

23. Comparing String


22. Replacing String
a = console.readline()

21. Formatting string
21.1 Uppercasing
21.2 Lowercasing

20. Substring
sub main()
dim kata1 as String
kata1 = "Hello World!"

End sub

19. Get length of String
Well, jika sesuatu direfer sebagai sesuatu, maka referensi itu mempunyai properti yang sama dan berbeda.
Contoh jika truk dibilang sama dengan mobil, maka truk pada umumnya mempunyai strir, ban, kaca, karena mobil memiliki itu semua.

Sejak kamu mereferensikan sebuah variabel sebagai string (pada waktu kamu mendeklarasikannya: dim kata1 as string), maka variabel itu juga memiliki apa yang dimiliki string.

Jika kamu mereferensikan variabel a sebagai string maka variabel a memiliki length,


9. Math operators
+, -, *, /, ^, mod
Contoh syntax modulus:
4 mod 3

10. Declaring variabel and initialization
Berikut hanya deklarasi variabel:
Dim angka1 as Integer
Dim angka2 as Integer

Format deklarasi variabel jika dipersingkat menjadi:
Dim angka1, angka2 as Integer

Berikut deklarasi variabel sekaligus inisialisasi (pemberian nilai awal):
Dim angka1 as Integer = 10
Dim angka2 as Integer = 5

Disingkat menjadi?
Dim angka1, angka2 = 10, 5

3. Datatype primitives
Karena kita hanya berurusan dengan angka dan huruf saja, maka kita perlu variabel untuk menyimpan angka dan huruf itu. Angka dan huruf tersimpan di dalam. 

Data type untuk angka:

Jika double, maka digit dibelakang koma maksimal = 14 dijit. Jika angka yang kamu masukkan 19 dijit dibelakang koma, maka 14 dijit dibelakang koma yang akan disimpan/ditampilkan dan 5 digit yang lainnya akan digenapkan.


sub main()
angka1 = 1.1234567891234568
end sub


Jika integer didesain untuk menyimpan bilangan bulat (bilangan tanpa koma), maka digit didepan koma maksimal = 10 dijit. Lebih daripada itu dijit yang lain tidak akan tersimpan.

Datatype untuk perhurufan


Variabel bertipe char hanya mampu menyimpan 1 huruf saja. Jika kamu ingin menyimpan kata (lebih dari satu huruf) maka hanya 1 huruf saja yang tersimpan.


sub main()
dim kata1 as char
kata1 = "hello world apa kabarnya? Sehat kan? Sudahkah anda minum yakult hari ini?"
end sub


Well, hanya huruf h saja? Yup, betul. Variable char hanya muat 1 huruf!


Variabel bertipe string mampu menyimpan lebih dari satu huruf.

Contoh menggunakan contoh yang sama dengan contoh Char tapi variabel kata1 diubah menjadi variabel string:

sub main()
dim kata1 as String
kata1 = "hello world apa kabarnya? Sehat kan? Sudahkah anda minum yakult hari ini?"
end sub


Well, untuk peta lengkapnya adalah dibawah ini: Tapi kita sebagai programmer aplikasi sederhana cukup menggunakan integer, double, char, string saja. Kita sudah cukup bahagia.


Monday 16 December 2013

VIsual Basic Language Features

1. Array
2. Collection Initializers
3. Constants and Enumerations
4. Control flow
5. Data types
6. Declared elements
7. Delegates
8. Early and late binding
9. Error types
10. Events
11. Interfaces
12. LINQ
13. Object and classes
14. Operators and expression
15. Procedures
16. Statements
17. Strings
18. Variables
19. XML

Sunday 15 December 2013

Lets learn some new words

Tipe-tipe industri

Tipe-tipe industri:
1. Advertising
2. Audit
3. Banking
4. Chemical Industry and Banking
5. Computer sience and system development
6. Consumer goods
7. Courier
8. Education and trainning consultant
9. Electrical and instrumentation
10. Entertainment and event organizer
11. Food and beverage
12. Foreign exchange and other financial sector
13. Hotel
14. Human resource service
15. Information technology
16. Insurance
17. Journalism
18. Legal
19. Logistics and transportation
20. Manufacturing
21. Marine
22. Mechanical and automotive service
23. Media and publishing
24. Mining
25. Multimedia
26. Oil & Gas and Geothermal production
27. Oil & Gas and Geothermal production and service
28. Oil & Gas and Geothermal services
29. Security
30. Sport
31. Telecommunication

Saturday 14 December 2013

How to refer to Cells and Ranges by using A1 notation (VBA)

You want to change value of many / more than one cells at once? You will use range property to do that.

Range properties is great and flexible meaning: Range can be used to refer 1 cell, and also many cells (a block).

You can refer to a cell, for instance we targeting cell A1's value:
we refer to cell A1's value that contained within.

And, you can also refer to many cells (more than 1 cell), for instance:
we refer to cell A1's and cell A2's value contained.

Essentially, you should help / navigate Range property with A1 notation.

What is A1 notation? A1 notation could be: A1, A1:A2, A:A, 1:1, A1:D5
A1 means: cell 1 column A
A1:A2 means: cell 1 column A and cell 2 column A
A:A means all cells in column A
1:1 means all cells in row 1
A1:D5 means a block start from A1 to D5. This kind a awkward, but try that on your VBA.

To recap all: in short explanation use this syntax: sheet.range("A1_Notation") and A1 notation could be: A1, A1:A2, A:A, 1:1, and A1:D5

So now try to combine/write them on your VBA editor:

You are done!

PS: Did you notice that Ms. Excel is indexing his row and column with numeric (1, 2, 3, 4,...) and alphabet (A, B, C, D...). So, in referencing a cell in A1 notation, we must use this convention.

1. How could you refer to a block of cells/matrix (3 x 3) that start from D5?
Clue: Sheet1.Range("Start cell : End cell")

2.  Try this sheet.range("A:A, E6:H9").value = 10
What you see?

Wireless security settings on TP-LINK

We will observe this device:
150M Wireless Lite N Router
Model No. TL-WR740N / TL-WR740ND

Type: {Automatic, Open System, Shared Key}
WEP Key Format: {Hexadecimal, ASCII}
Key Selected WEP Key(Password) Key Type

Look below picture to clarify:

WPA/WPA2 - Enterprise
Version: {Automatic, WPA, WPA2}
Encryption: {Automatic, TKIP, AES}
Radius Server IP: ___
Radius Port: 1812 (1-65535, 0 stands for default port 1812)
Radius password: ___
Group Key Update Period: ___ (in second, minimum is 30, 0 means no update)


WPA/WPA2 - Personal
Version: {Automatic(Recommended), WPA-Personal, WPA2-Personal}
Encryption: {Automatic(Recommended), TKIP, AES}
Password: ___
(You can enter ASCII characters between 8 and 63 Hexadecimal characters between 8 and 64.)
Group Key Update Period: ___ seconds (Keep it default if you are not sure, minimum is 30, 0 means no update)

So whats the different between WPA/WPA2 - Enterprise and WPA/WPA2-Personal?

Friday 13 December 2013

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) for the Microsoft 2007 Office System Language Reference

1. Microsoft forms Reference --> Helps on Userform and controls and how to program with them using Visual Basic

2. Visual Basic Conceptual Topics --> Helps you to understand Visual Basic Programming

3. Visual Basic Definition --> it is a glossary definition to help you understand concepts presented in this documentation

4. Visual Basic How-To Topics --> To look for useful common procedure, for example, how to use the Object Browser or how to set Visual Basic Environment options

5. Visual Basic Language Reference: The language: all its methods, properties, statements, functions, operators, and objects

6. Visual Basic Add-in model
If you want to customize the Visual Basic Editor, see this language reference for Help on the object model that allows you to extend the environment.

7. Visual Basic User Interface help
Look here for help on interface elements of the Visual Basic Editor, such as commands, dialog boxes, windows, and toolbars


How to: Reference Cells and Ranges

How to: Reference Cells and Ranges

A common task when using Visual Basic is to specify a cell or range of cells and then do something with it, such as enter a formula or change the format. You can usually do this in one statement that identifies the range and also changes a property or applies a method.
A Range object in Visual Basic can be either a single cell or a range of cells. The following topics show the most common ways to identify and work with Range objects.

Some ways to reference cells

How to: Refer to All the Cells on the Worksheet
How to: Refer to Cells and Ranges by Using A1 Notation
How to: Refer to Rows and Columns
How to: Refer to Cells by Using Index Numbers
How to: Refer to Cells by Using Shortcut Notation
How to: Refer to Cells Relative to Other Cells
How to: Refer to Cells by Using a Range Object
How to: Refer to Named Ranges
How to: Refer to Multiple Ranges
How to Reference Cells and Ranges

Thursday 12 December 2013

How to: Add a Table of Contents to a Workbook

How to: Add a Table of Contents to a Workbook

MVP iconThe following code example was provided by MVP Bill Jelen. Bill is the author of 24 books on Microsoft Office Excel. He is a regular guest on TechTV with Leo Laporte and the host of, which includes more than 300,000 questions and answers about Excel.
The following code example verifies that a sheet named "TOC" already exists. If it exists, the example updates the table of contents. Otherwise, the example creates a new TOC sheet at the beginning of the workbook. The name of each worksheet, along with the corresponding printed page numbers, is listed in the table of contents. To retrieve the page numbers the example opens the Print Preview dialog box. You must close the dialog box and then the table of contents is created.
Sub CreateTableOfContents()
    ' Determine if there is already a Table of Contents
    ' Assume it is there, and if it is not, it will raise an error
    ' if the Err system variable is > 0, you know the sheet is not there
    Dim WST As Worksheet
    On Error Resume Next
    Set WST = Worksheets("Table of Contents")
    If Not Err = 0 Then
        ' The Table of contents doesn't exist. Add it
        Set WST = Worksheets.Add(Before:=Worksheets(1))
        WST.Name = "TOC"
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    ' Set up the table of contents page
    WST.[A2] = "Table of Contents"
    With WST.[A6]
        .Value = "Subject"
    End With
    WST.[B6] = "Page(s)"
    WST.Range("A1:B1").ColumnWidth = Array(36, 12)
    TOCRow = 7
    PageCount = 0

    ' Do a print preview on all sheets so Excel calcs page breaks
    ' The user must manually close the PrintPreview window
    Msg = "Excel needs to do a print preview to calculate the number of pages. "
    Msg = Msg & "Please dismiss the print preview by clicking close."
    MsgBox Msg

    ' Loop through each sheet, collecting TOC information
    For Each S In Worksheets
        If S.Visible = -1 Then
            ThisName = ActiveSheet.Name
            HPages = ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks.Count + 1
            VPages = ActiveSheet.VPageBreaks.Count + 1
            ThisPages = HPages * VPages

            ' Enter info about this sheet on TOC
            Range("A" & TOCRow).Value = ThisName
            Range("B" & TOCRow).NumberFormat = "@"
            If ThisPages = 1 Then
                Range("B" & TOCRow).Value = PageCount + 1 & " "
                Range("B" & TOCRow).Value = PageCount + 1 & " - " & PageCount + ThisPages
            End If
        PageCount = PageCount + ThisPages
        TOCRow = TOCRow + 1
        End If
    Next S
End Sub

Saving Documents as Web Pages

Saving Documents as Web Pages

In Microsoft Excel, you can save a workbook, worksheet, chart, range, query table, PivotTable report, print area, or AutoFilter range to a Web page. You can also edit HTML files directly in Excel.

Saving a Document as a Web Page

Saving a document as a Web page is the process of creating and saving an HTML file and any supporting files. To do this, use the SaveAs method, as shown in the following example, which saves the active workbook as C:\Reports\myfile.htm.
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs _
    Filename:="C:\Reports\myfile.htm", _

Customizing the Web Page

You can customize the appearance, content, browser support, editing support, graphics formats, screen resolution, file organization, and encoding of the HTML document by setting properties of the DefaultWebOptions object and the WebOptions object. The DefaultWebOptions object contains application-level properties. These settings are overridden by any workbook-level property settings that have the same names (these are contained in the WebOptions object).
After setting the attributes, you can use the Publish method to save the workbook, worksheet, chart, range, query table, PivotTable report, print area, or AutoFilter range to a Web page. The following example sets various application-level properties and then sets the AllowPNG property of the active workbook, overriding the application-level default setting. Finally, the example saves the range as "C:\Reports\1998_Q1.htm."
With Application.DefaultWebOptions
    .RelyonVML = True
    .AllowPNG = True
    .PixelsPerInch = 96
End With
With ActiveWorkbook
    .WebOptions.AllowPNG = False
    With .PublishObjects(1)
        .FileName = "C:\Reports\1998_Q1.htm"
    End With
End With
You can also save the files directly to a Web server. The following example saves a range to a Web server, giving the Web page the URL address
With ActiveWorkbook
    With .WebOptions
        .RelyonVML = True
        .PixelsPerInch = 96
    End With
    With .PublishObjects(1)
        .FileName = _
    End With
End With

Opening an HTML Document in Microsoft Excel

To edit an HTML document in Excel, first open the document by using the Open method. The following example opens the file "C:\Reports\1997_Q4.htm" for editing.
Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\Reports\1997_Q4.htm"
After opening the file, you can customize the appearance, content, browser support, editing support, graphics formats, screen resolution, file organization, and encoding of the HTML document by setting properties of the DefaultWebOptions and WebOptions objects.

Controlling One Microsoft Office Application from Another

Controlling One Microsoft Office Application from Another

If you want to run code in one Microsoft Office application that works with the objects in another application, follow these steps.
  1. Set a reference to the other application's type library in the References dialog box (Tools menu). After you have done this, the objects, properties, and methods will show up in the Object Browser and the syntax will be checked at compile time. You can also get context-sensitive Help on them.
  2. Declare object variables that will refer to the objects in the other application as specific types. Make sure you qualify each type with the name of the application that is supplying the object. For example, the following statement declares a variable that points to a Microsoft Word document and another that refers to a Microsoft Excel workbook:
    Dim appWD As Word.Application, wbXL As Excel.Workbook
    You must follow the preceding steps if you want your code to be early bound.
  3. Use the CreateObject function with the OLE Programmatic Identifiers of the object you want to work with in the other application, as shown in the following example. If you want to see the session of the other application, set the Visible property to True.
    Dim appWD As Word.Application
    Set appWD = CreateObject("Word.Application")
    appWd.Visible = True
  4. Apply properties and methods to the object contained in the variable. For example, the following instruction creates a new Word document.
    Dim appWD As Word.Application
    Set appWD = CreateObject("Word.Application")
  5. When you are done working with the other application, use the Quit method to close it, as shown in the following example.

Microsoft Excel 2007 help's table of content

Activating Excel
Automation and programmability
Excel and the web
Excel demos
Exchanging data with other programs
File conversion and compatibility
Filtering, sorting and conditionally formating
Formula and name basics
Function reference
Getting help
Importing data
PivotTable reports and PivotCharts reports
Publishing to SharePoint server excel services
Saving and printing
Security and privacy
Summarizing, consolidating, and outlining data
Validating data
What-if analysis
What's new
Workbook management
Working in different language
Working with XML
Worksheet and Excel table basic

Workbooks and Worksheets
Cells and Ranges
Controls, Dialog boxes and Forms
Events, Worksheet Functions, and Shapes
Working with Other Applications

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Electronic Workbench 5.12

1. Sources
1.1 Ground
1.2 Battery
1.3 DC Current Source
1.4 AC Voltage Source
1.5 AC Current Source
1.6 Voltage-Controlled Voltage Source
1.7 Voltage-Controlled Current Source
1.8 Current-Controlled Voltage Source
1.9 Current-Controlled Current Source
1.10 +Vcc Voltage Source
1.11 +Vdd Voltage Source
1.12 Clock
1.13 AM Source
1.14 FM Source
1.15 Voltage-Controlled Sine Wave Oscillator
1.16 Voltage-Controlled Triangle Wave Oscillator
1.17 Voltage-Controlled Square Wave Oscillator
1.18 Controlled One-Shot
1.19 Piecewise Linear Source
1.20 Voltage-Controlled Piecewise Linear Source
1.21 Frequency-Shift-Keying Source
1.22 Polynomial Source
1.23 Nonlinear Dependent Source

2. Basic
2.1 Connector
2.2 Resistor
2.3 Capacitor
2.4 Inductor
2.5 Transformer
2.6 Relay
2.7 Switch
2.8 Time-delay switch
2.9 Voltage-Controlled switch
2.10 Current-Controlled switch
2.11 Pull-up resistor
2.12 Potentiometer
2.13 Resistor pack
2.14 Voltage-controlled switch
2.15 Polarized Capacitor
2.16 Variable Capacitor
2.17 Variable Inductor
2.18 Coreless Coil
2.19 Magnetic Core
2.20 Nonlinear Transformer

3. Diodes
3.1 Diode
3.2 Zener Diode
3.3 LED
3.4 Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier
3.5 Shockley Diode
3.6 Silicon-Controlled Rectifier
3.7 Diac
3.8 Triac

4. Transistors
4.1 NPN Transistor
4.2 N-Channel JFET
4.3 P-Channel JFET
4.4 3-Terminal Depletion N-MOSFET
4.5 3-Terminal Depletion P-MOSFET
4.6 4-Terminal Depletion N-MOSFET
4.7 4-Terminal Depletion P-MOSFET
4.8 3-Terminal Enhancement N-MOSFET
4.9 3-Terminal Enhancement P-MOSFET
4.10 4-Terminal Enhancement N-MOSFET
4.11 4-Terminal Enhancement P-MOSFET
4.12 N-Channel GaAsFET
4.13 P-Channel GaAsFET

5. Analog ICs
5.1 3-Terminal Opamp
5.2 5-Terminal Opamp
5.3 7-Terminal Opamp
5.4 9-Terminal Opamp
5.5 Comparator
5.6 Phase Locked-Loop

6. Mixed ICs
6.1 Analog-to-digital converter
6.2 Digital-to-analog converter (I)
6.3 Digital-to-analog converter (V)
6.4 Monostable Multivibrator
6.5 555 Timer

7. Digital ICs
7.1 74XX templates
7.2 741XX Template
7.3 742XX Templates
7.4 743XX Templates
7.5 744XX Templates
7.6 4XXX Templates

8. Logic Gates
8.1 2-Input AND gate
8.2 2-Input OR gate
8.3 NOT gate
8.4 2-Input NOR gate
8.5 2-Input NAND gate
8.6 2-Input XOR gate
8.7 2-Input XNOR gate
8.8 Tristate buffer
8.9 Buffer
8.10 Schmitt-triggered buffer
8.11 AND
8.12 OR
8.13 NAND
8.14 NOR
8.15 NOT
8.16 XOR
8.17 XNOR

9. Digital
9.1 Half Adder
9.2 Full Adder
9.3 RS Flip-flop
9.4 JK Flip-flop with  Active High Asynch Inputs
9.5 JK Flip-flop with Active Low Asynch Inputs
9.6 D Flip-flop
9.7 D Flip-flop with Active Low Asynch Inputs
9.8 Multiplexer (MUX)
9.9 Demultiplexer
9.10 Encoder
9.11 Arithmetic
9.12 Counters
9.13 Shift Registers
9.14 Flip-flops

10. Indicators
10.1 Voltemeter
10.2 Ammeter
10.3 Bulb
10.4 Red Probe
10.5 Seven-Segment Display
10.6 Decoded Seven-Segment Display
10.7 Buzzer
10.8 Bargraph Display
10.9 Decoded Bargraph Display

11. Controls
11.1 Voltage Differentiator
11.2 Voltage Integrator
11.3 Voltage Gain Block
11.4 Transfer Function Block
11.5 Multiplier
11.6 Divider
11.7 Three-way voltage summer
11.8 Voltage Limiter
11.9 Voltage-controlled limiter
11.10 Current-limiter block
11.11 Voltage hysteresis block
11.12 Voltage slew rate block

12. Miscellaneous
12.1 Fuse
12.2 Write Data
12.3 Netlist component
12.4 Lossy Transmission Line
12.5 Lossless Transmission Line
12.6 Crystal
12.7 DC Motor
12.8 Triode Vacuum Tube
12.9 Boost (Step-up) Converter
12.10 Buck (Step-down) Converter
12.11 Buck-boost converter
12.12 Textbox
12.13 Title Block

13. Instruments
13.1. Multimeter
13.2. Function Generator
13.3. Oscilloscope
13.4. Bode Potter
13.5. Word Generator
13.6. Logic Analyzer
13.7. Logic Converter

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List Lagu

1. Seurieus Band - B.D.G. 19 Oktober
2. Afgan - Bukan Cinta Biasa
3. Ari Lasso - Jalanku tak panjang