Monday 30 November 2015

Javascript: Outputting text

I want to output a text into/inside a local paragraf instead of using canvas. How can I do that?

There are 5 steps you need to do:
1. First thing you need to define the paragraph where you want to the text to showed up. Like this:

2. Second thing, you need to insert a span tag into that paragraph tag. Like this below:

3. Third, you need to give an id to that span tag; just the opening tag, not the closing tag. Like this below:
<p><span id="here"></span></p>

4. Last you need to define below inside your script tag:
document.getElemenytById("here").innerHTML="<your text>"


5. Last, finish, run the code.

Warning: Remember to use .innerHTML not .value.

For complete code:
<p><span id="here"></span></p>

document.getElementById("here").innerHTML = "<your text>"

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