Sunday, 14 June 2015

Yang didapatkan dari pelajaran visual c# hari ini:
1. Installing Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop
1. Link untuk download visual C# :
pilih > Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop

2. Dissecting the First C# Program You Created
Belajar mengenai
1. Dimana letak file-file projek disimpan >
2. Dua tipe/jenis kompilasi yang ada: compile release dan compile debug

3.  Creating Your First C# Program

Declaring Variables and Assigning Values Duration

Type casting:
integer = integer + string -> need to convert the string to integer
string = string + integer -> need to convert the integer to string
integer + integer = penambahan
string + string = concatenate

6. Branching with the if Decision Statement and the Conditional Operator
1. How to accept user input into a window console application
2. Based on the user input write logic to execute blocks of code
3. when to use curly braces
4. when not to use curly braces
5. Simple step to build if decision statement with/that only use 1 condition
string message = (userValue == "1") ? "car" : "helicopter";

6. String replacement
Console.WriteLine("You Won a {0}", message);

PS: If itu kayak membuat pilihan berganda.

7. Operator, Expression, and Statement

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