Monday 13 January 2014

VB language reference (Keywords) [List of functions/methods]


Arrays Summary (Visual Basic)
What can be do to array? Action:
1. Verify an array: IsArray
2. Declare and initialize an array: Dim, Private, Public, ReDim
3. Find the limits of an array: LBound, UBound
4. Reinitialize an array: Erase, ReDim

1. Create a collection object
2. Add an item to a collection
3. Remove an object from collection
4. Reference an item in a collection
5. Return a reference to an IEnumerator interface

Compiler Directive summary
1. Define a compiler constant: #Const directive
2. Compile selected blocks of code
3. Collapse and hide sections of code
4. Indicate a mapping between source lines and text external to the source

Control flow summary
1. Branch: GoTo, On Error
2. Exit or pause the program: End, Exit, Stop
3. Loop: Do...Loop, For...Next, For Each...Next, While...End While, With
4. Make decisions: Choose, If ... Then ... Else, Select Case, Switch
5. Use procedures: Call, Function, Property, Sub

Conversion Summary
1. Convert ANSI value to string
2. Convert string to lowercase or uppercase: Format, LCase, UCase
3. Convert date to serial number: DateSerial, DateValue
4. Convert decimal number to other base: Hex, Oct
5. Convert number to string: Format, Str
6. Convert one data type to another: CBool, CByte, CDate, CDbl, CDec, CInt, CLng, CSng, CShort, CStr, CType, Fix, Int
7. Convert date to day, month, weekday or year: Day, Month, Weekday, Year
8. Convert time to hour, minute, or second: Hour, minute, or second
9. Convert string to ASCII value: Asc, AscW
10. Convert string to number: Val
11. Convert time to serial number: TimeSerial, TimeValue

Data type summary

Dates and time summary
1. Get the current date or time: Now, Today, TimeOfDay
2. Perform date calculation: DateAdd, DateDiff, DatePart
3. Return a date: DateSerial, DateValue, MonthName, Weekdayname,
4. Return a time: TimeSerial, TimeValue
5. Set the date or time: 
6. Time a process: Timer

Declarations and Times summary
1. Assign a value: Get, Property
2. Declare variables or constants: Dim, Public, Private, Shadow, Protected, Shared, Const, Statc

Directories and files
1. Change a directory of files
2. Change the drive
3. Copy a file
4. Make a folder or make a directory
5. Remove directory or folder
6. Rename a file, rename a folder, rename folder
7. Remove a directory or folder
8. Return the current path
9. Return

Errors summary
1. Generate run-time errors
2. Get exceptions
3. Provide error information
4. Trap errors during run time
5. Provide line number of error
6. Provide system error code

Information and interaction summary
1. Run other programs: AppActivate, Shell (Ready)
2. Call a method or property: CallByName
3. Sound a beep from computer: Beep (Ready)
4. Provide a command-line string: Command
5. Manipulate COM object: CreateObject, GetObject
6. Retrieve color information: QBcolor, RGBColor
7. Control dialogboxes: InputBox, MessageBox

Input and Output summary
1. Access or create a file: Fileopen
2. Closefiles: fileclose, reset
3. Control output sequence
4. Copy a file
5. Get information about a file
6. Get or provide information from/to the user by means of a control dialog box.
7. Manage files
8. Read from a file
9. Return length of a file
10. Set or get file attributes
11. Set read-write position in a file
12. Write to a file

My reference
1. Accessing application information and services
2. Accessing the host computer and its resources, services and data
3. Accessing the forms in the current project
4. Accessing

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