Tuesday 7 January 2014

Can be and its command

1. Files
2. File
3. Directory
4. Directories

1. Files can be
- Changed
- their content can be compared: COMP / FC
- copied : COPY
- erased/deleted : ERASE/DELETE
- can be formatted
- can be moved (cut-and-paste) = MOVE
- displayed its content (text-file) = TYPE
- access-list can be modified/displayed = BCDEDIT

2. File can be:
- Writed = EDIT
- Erase/delete = ERASE / DELETE
- copied = COPY
- compared and show the difference between them = FC
- Searched its inside for a text string = FIND/FINDSTR
- written to a disk and checked whether its done (verified) = VERIFY
- replaced = REPLACE
- renamed = REN/RENAME
- moved = MOVE

3. Directory can be:
- Created = MKDIR/MD
- Removed = REMOVE/RD
- content can be showed = DIR
- displayed their name / change current = CHDIR/CD

4. Directories can be
- ACLed =

5. Window command interpreter can be
- directed using batch program = GOTO
- paused and displays a message = PAUSE

6. Service (background process) can be:
- displayed / configured

7. Machine can be:
- shutted down = SHUTDOWN

Kesimpulan: Mimicing

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