Sunday 23 February 2014

Menguasai dengan baik query dan struktur database (MySql, SQL server)

IT Security engineer:
Having good understanding about IT security concept, Firewall, IDS/IPS, VPN, NAC, QoS Management, SIEM, Having good understanding with security tools such as: Network reconnaisance, Vulnerability scanning, Exploitation framework, Incident handling, digital forensic)

Hands-on experience with Python, Perl, BASH.
Harga 1 bungkus rokok = 13000. Berapa harga per batang? Jika jumlah batang per bungkus = 12

Saturday 22 February 2014

Semangat dan visi

Semangat adalah bahan bakar roket, tetapi visi mengarahkan roket ke tujuan akhirnya
Error 400 - Bad request.
Error 401 - unauthorized request.
Error 403 - forbidden.
Error 404 - Not found.
Error 500 -Internal error.
Error 501 - Not Implemented
Error 502 - Bad Gateway
Error 503 -Service unavailable.
Error 504 - Gateway Time-Out
Error 505 - HTTP Version not
supported/ DNS Lookup Fail/unknown
Error 500-599 - Server Errors.....

In real world, these can be used as an answer to your boss or to your friend? :D

Escalator Mechanism

Ping and traceroute examples

C:\> ping -n 1 –r 9
C:\> ping –t
C:\>tracert -w 5 -h 4

Router ping output

"U" = Destination Unreachable
"." = The Network server/service timed out while waiting for a reply
"H" = Host unreachable
"P" = Protocol "
"N" = Network "
"!" = Receipt of a reply
"Q" = Source quench
"M" = Could not fragment
"?" = Unknown packet type