Monday 9 December 2013

Silabus Matematika kelas 1, 2 dan 3

1. Logika matematika

2. Bentuk akar
3. Sistem persamaan
4. Statistika
5. Teori Peluang
6. Gradien dan Garis lurus
7. Program linear
8. Persamaan Kuadrat
9. Fungsi Kuadrat
10. Matriks
11. Fungsi Komposisi dan Fungsi Invers
12. Trigonometri
13. Pertidaksamaan
14. Eksponen
15. Logaritma
16. Barisan dan deret
17. Turunan Fungsi
18. Limit Fungsi
19. Transformasi Geometri
20. Lingkaran
21. Suku Banyak
22. Vektor
23. Integral
24. Bangun Ruang

1. Logika matematika
Math logic is subfield of mathematics exploring the applications of formal logic to mathematics.


8. Persamaan Kuadrat
Persamaan kuadrat adalah suatu persamaan polinomial berorde dua. Bentuk umum dari persamaan kuadrat adalah:
y = ax^2 + bx + c \,\!

a \ne 0 \,\!
Bentuk Huruf-huruf a, b, dan c disebut sebagai koefisien: koefisien kuadrat a adalah koefisien dari x^2, koefisien linear b adalah koefisien dari x, dan c adalah koefisien konstan atau disebut juga suku bebas.

Ada dua cara untuk menyelesaikan masalah persamaan kuadrat:

Rebol LAB Zero to perfect #1

Try #1:


visitor: [2 4 6 4 2 4 6]
view: ask ["when?"] to-integer view
print visitor/

** Script Error: Invalid path value:
** Near: print visitor/

Try #2:

visitor: [1 2 3 2 1 2 3]
view: ask ["when?"] to-integer view
print visitor/

Error #1 (still have error when view = words):
** Script Error: Invalid argument: as
** Where: to-integer
** Near: to integer! :value


visitor: [2 4 6 4 2 4 6]
view: ask ["when?"]
either attempt [to-integer view] [print visitor/][print "Gak terima huruf bro!"]

Software engineering

Software engineering adalah bagaimana menggunakan komponen-komponen software untuk membuat software.

1. Matriks/list
pengunjung = [1 2 3 2 1 2 3]
pengunjung hari 1 = 2
pengunjung hari 2 = 2
pengunjung hari 3 = 3
pengunjung hari 4 = 2
pengunjung hari 5 = 1
dan seterusnya

artinya variabel pengunjung menggunakan hari sebagai index nya.

2. Conditional

3. Looping

4. Regresion linear sederhana

5. GUI

Wednesday 4 December 2013



System is a set of interacting component or a set of interdependent components forming an integrated whole.

Example of real-life system:

Following are considered as example of real-life system that near you:

1. Traffic system
2. Telecommunication system
3. Information system

Common characteristic between those systems:
  • A system has a structure, it contain elements/parts/components that are directly or indirectly related to each other;
  • A system has a behavior, it contain process that transform inputs into outputs (material, energy or data);
  • A system has interconnectivity

Examples of the elements of Information systems:

Following are considered as the elements of a system in terms of Information systems: –
  1. Inputs and outputs
  2. Processor
  3. Control
  4. Environment/surroundings
  5. Feedback
  6. Boundaries and interface
  7. Relationship

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Electrical Engineering

1. Power Engineering
Power engineering deals with the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity as well as the design of a range of related devices

Devices: transformer, electric generator, electric motors, high voltage engineering, and power electronics.

2. Control Engineering
Control engineering focuses on the modelling of a diverse range of dynamic systems and the design of controllers that will cause these systems to behave in the desired manner.

Device: electrical circuit, digital signal processors, microcontroller, and PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers)

3. Electronics Engineering
Electronics Engineering involves the design and testing of electronic circuits that use property of components such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, and transistors to achieve particular functionality.

Example of electronic circuit: tuned circuit, circuit that allow a user to tune to a radio station.

4. Microelectronics Engineering
Microelectronics engineering deals with the design and microfabrication of very small electronic components and circuit for use in an integrated circuit (IC) or sometimes for use on their own as a general electronic component.

5. Signal processing
Signal process deals with the analysis and manipulation of signals (digital and analog signal).

6. Telecommunication
Focuses on the transmission of information across a channel such as coax cable, optical fiber or free space.

7. Instrumentation
Instrumentation engineering deals with the design of devices to measure physical quantities.
That physical quantities are: pressure, flow, and temperature. The design of such instrumentation often requires a good understanding of physics that often extends beyond electromagnetic theory.

8. Computer engineering 
Deals with the design of computers and computer systems (systems that contain more than one computers).

9. Mechantronics
Mechantronics is an engineering dicipline which deals with the convergence of electrical and mechanics system.

10. Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering concerned with the design of medical equipment. This includes fixed equipments such as ventilators, MRI scanners and electrocardiograph monitors, as well as mobile equipment (cochlear implants, artificial pacemakers and artificial hearts).

Server types

Server types:
1. Proxy server
to filter request, improve performance, and share connections

2. Mail server
move and store mail over corporate networks.

3. Server platform
engine that drives servers.

4. Web server
 serves static content to web browser by loading a file from a disk and serving it across the network to a user's web browser.

5. Application server

6. Real-time Communication server
Formerly known as chat server or IRC server.

7. FTP server
server that makes it possible to move one or more files securely between computer while providing file security and organization as well as transfer protocol.

8. Collaboration server

9. List server

10. Telnet server
enables user to log on to a host computer and perform tasks as if they are working on the remote computer itself.

11. Open source server

12. Virtual server
From hypervisor (Windows)

Sunday 1 December 2013

Cookbook of Assembly

1. Kita akan modifikasi register berikut ini: AX, DS, CS, IP  menggunakan perintah register, assemble, dump, enter, trace command.

register: to display the content of our CPU register
assemble: to entering code to our code segment
dump: to display the content of our data segment
enter: to fill/change the content of our data segment
trace: to execute a code one at a time.

2. Semua angka yang dimasukkan kedalam debugger adalah hexadecimal.

3. Segment register = DS, ES, SS, CS

DS= data segment
ES = extra segment
SS =
CS = Code segment (place of code)

Flags: NV, VP, EI, PL, NZ, NA, PO, NC

Langkah 1: melihat isi register untuk pertama kali
What you see?
AX, BX, CX, DX, ......
AX= Acummulator register (Arithmetic and logic)
DX = Data register (DH + DL)

Int 21: print character to screen
Int 20: terminate program

-n name

Langkah 2: mengisi register AX dengan nilai 1234
- r ax

Langkah 3: Melihat (dump) isi register DS (untuk pertama kali)
-d ds:0000

What you see?
Isi dari memory dari 0B3C:0000 sampai 0B3C:0070 dan printable ASCII character-nya
. --> unprintable ASCII character

Langkah 4: Memasukkan(enter)/mengubah data di data segment
-e ds:0000

Langkah 5: Melihat kembali hasil perubahan yang tlah dilakukan
-d ds:0000

Langkah 6: Put some code to the machine
-a cs
Watch IP address (next instruction to be fetched)
-a cs:100
mov [0], ax

Langkah 7: trace
IP pointer from 0100 to 0103 is change

Langkah 8: Periksa isi konten register ds
-d ds:0000

What you see?
isi dari register ds:0000 berubah menjadi Langkah 4

Langkah 9: Assemble another code
- a cs:0000
mov ax, [0]

Langkah 10: Ubah register IP (Instruction Pointer)
-r IP

1. Ketik a
2. Setelah tanda - muncul, ketik baris berikut ini satu baris per satu baris:
mov ax,B800
mov ds,ax
mov byte[0F9E],24
int 20
3. Ketik return/enter dua kali, untuk keluar dari editor
4. Ketik g untuk menjalankan program
