Saturday 20 April 2013

Wisdom of AND

What does 8 means of 10 AND 9 = 8 ?
It means 8 is what 10 and 9 shares
It means 8 is builder-number of 10 and the builder-number 9 too
It means 10 and 9 samely have 8 number
It means 10 = 8 + 2 and 9 = 8 + 1
So, when you and 10 AND 9 you will get a number that they both (10 and 9) have to became 10 and 9.

Wisdom of Binary

One of the wisdom of binary is any decimal number can be presented with the combination of these numbers:
{0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128}

3 = 2 + 1
5 = 4 + 1
7 = 4 + 2 + 1
11 = 8 + 2 + 1
22 = 16 + 4 + 2
33 = 32 + 1
44 = Sure you can answer this

Wisdom of XOR

Wisdom of XOR is if A and B totally match, result of A XOR B will be 0
otherwise (if the result have value other than 0) they (A , B) don't totally match.

A=2, B=2, A XOR B = 0, the result (0) means A and B match perfectly in binary.
A=3, B=4, A XOR B = 7, the result (7) means A and B doesn't match perfectly in binary.

XOR operation is used to:
1. Match 2 IP addresses
2. Match between an IP address and an access-list

Friday 22 March 2013

Go get your safe point, work through that and arrive with joy

Today I learn about putting a point, calculating our safe points or check point on any our duty or work we do and how relaxing it is to had check points on our job.

The ability of deciding safe point(s) on our job achieved from the ability to divide thing based on something. Anything can be divided into smaller parts, even an Atom. So, a big or long-duration jobs could be engineered into smaller job based on your ability or your resources (your strength, your time, numbers of your friend if any).

I defining check point is as a point on a time where we can feel relax and the work is well documented after doing your segment of work and what you are working is you are recognized.

Thursday 21 March 2013


1. Membuat pengelompokkan.
Kelompokkan kata-kata kedalam group atau kedalam suatu himpunan
2. Cari hubungan
Misalkan 2 buah himpunan sudah berhasil terbentuk, selanjutnya, coba cari hubungan 2 group kata himpunan itu. Kapan dua kelompok kata ini terhubung.

Tips menganalisa sebuah kalimat,
1. Ubahlah sebuah kalimat / statement menjadi sebuah kalimat tanya.

Tips menganalisa seluruh paragraph,

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Pembagian dan perkalian

Jika Pembagian adalah pengurangan berulang dan Perkalian adalah penambahan berulang, apa hubungan antara pembagian dan perkalian?

Sunday 10 March 2013

What your configuration do to my mac address table?

What your configuration do to my mac address table appearance?
 What your configuration do to my routing table appearance?