Tuesday 27 October 2015

Today, Indonesia's maternal mortality rate remains one of the highest in Southeast Asia. Experts closely studying the problem generally conclude that a change in course is needed for Indonesia to make further progress. First, there are questions about whether the government has the ability - or the resources - to actually improve health. Performance and utilization of public health service is on the decline, and the private sector is now the major source of health care in Indonesia. An estimated 30 - 50 percent of newborn deliveries in health facilities now take place in private clinics (as compared to approximately 10 percent a decade ago). Preference or private sector services may be due, in part, to understaffing of public health facilities, and high absenteeism. The government allows "dual practice" whereby civil servant health providers are allowed to establish a private practice outside of official work hours. As a result, experts studies show an average of 40 percent of doctors absent from their public post during work hours.

Overall, per capita spending on health in Indonesia is much lower than other countries in the region, and insurance coverage is extremely limited. Health financing is overwhelmingly private - with individuals paying for around 80 percent of all health outlay, mostly out-of-pocket. Disturbingly, the poor utilize less of publicly-funded health services provided by the state: the poorest 20 percent of the population captures less than 10 percent of total public health subsidies, while the richest fifth captures almost 40 percent. Policy analyst also point to added problems to helath financing caused by scant distributions in health funding among provinces and major inefficiencies in how funds are spent.

KPK (Corruption Eradiction Commision) Indonesia

One of the most effective justice sector institutions in Indonesia is the Corruption Eradication Comission (KPK), established in December 2002. The KPK demonstrates what can be achieved when the different function of investigation and prosecution are coordinated. Moreover, it works with a specialized anti-corruption court, with appeals to an anti-corruption chamber in the Supreme Court. Both the court and the chamber are dominated by a majority of ad hoc judges whoser reputation for honesty is well known.

However, in edcember 2006, the Constitutional Court struck down the law creating the anti-corruption court on the grounds that it was not created as part of the Law on the Courts, but allowed the anti-corruptin courts to continue to function in the meantime. The Parliament set itself a deadline of March 2009 to pass the new law. This was then extended to September. Many legislators have been arrested by the KPK and convicted in the anti-corruption court, leading some to qauestion if the Parliament lacks motivation to pass this law.

The KPK consistently gets convictions in the corruption cases, showing what can be done with clean courts, professional investigation, and effective prosecutors. But this kind of successful cooperation is certainly an exception. Their consistent convictions raise the bar for the police, the attorney general's office, and the courts. Indonesia needs coordinated, bold leadership if it is to get out of the corruption quagmire. Better coordination between police and prosecutors is essential. They should have both the technology and the legal means to obtain wire taps and recordings the way the KPK does to obtain convictions in corruption cases.

Mabuk durian

Durian rasanya lezat sehingga disukai banyak orang. Karena kelezatannya itu, membuat orang terkadang makan berlebihan. Durian mengandung berbagai zat gizi. Apabila dikonsumsi secara berlebihan, maka dapat mengakibatkan mabuk. Bila Anda mengalami mebuk durian, atasi dengan cara berikut. Ambil segelas air putih hangat. Beri satu sendok makan garam, aduk dan minum. Secara berangsur-angsur mabuk akan mereda.

Sawah tadah hujan

Dengan produksi rata-rata 2.5 juta ton beras per tahun, telah mengempatkan Sulawesi Selatan sebagai daerah penyangga pangan nasional terbesar kedua setelah Jawa Timur. Areal pertanian yang dimiliki provinsi ini cukup besar, yaitu mencapai 1.411.446 Ha yang terbagi dalam lahgan persawahan seluas 550.217 ha dan lahan kering seluas 861.319 ha. Jumlah areal yang cukup besar tersebut, jika dikelola maksimal, sangat berpotensi menungjang ketahanan pangan nasional. Penanaman padi di areal sawah tadah hujan sering gagal panen karena kekurangan air, baik untuk pengolahan tanah maupun untuk pertumbuhan tanaman. Petani pada umumnya menunggu sekitar dua bulan sejak turunnya hujan untuk pertumbuhuan tanaman, karena pada waktu tersebut air sudah menggenangi sawah.

Kodam VII/Wirabuana telah turut berupaya mencari solusi alternatif terbaik dalam mengatasi kendala pengairan lahan tersebut. Ada beberapa jalan keluar yang ditawarkan dan dilaksanakan, yakni sebagai berikut, pertama, melalui pemberdayaan teknologi Pompa Air Tanpa Motor (PATM). Dengan menggunakan teknologi ini, sawah tadah hujan dana lahan padi yang terletak di ketinggian dan lahan-lahan yang letaknya jauh dari sumber air sunmgai atau danau, bisa dioptimalkan pada musim kemarau. Kedua, pemberdayaan bibit unggul. Kodam VII/Wirabuana telah berkoordinasi dengan banyak pihak diantaranya Dinas Pertanian, para kelompok tani dan perbankan, guna menyediakan bibit unggulan yang cocok bagi masing-masing wilayah di Sulawesi Selatan. Salah satu bibit dan varietas padi yang telah dikembangkan di Sulawesi adalah varietas tanaman padi jenis hibrida.

Ketiga, pengadaan pupuk. Untuk membantu para petani mendapatkan pupuk yang memadai dan ideal, Kodam VII/Wirabuana berupaya agar distribusi pupuk ke daerah tidak terjadi hambatan. Hal ini dilakukan melalui koordinasi dan kerja sama dengan Dinas Perindustrian, Perdagangan, dan Pertanian serta Perbankan.

Keempat, pola tanam. Selama ini, para petani di Sulawesi Selatan lebih banyak menggunakan pola tanam tradisional. Akibatnya, hasilnya kurang optimal. Padahal idealnya, lahan seluas 1 ha bisa menghasilkan 10 ton. Namun, hal ini belum pernah tercapai.


Istilah disleksia berasal dari Bahasa Yunani, yakni "dys" yang berarti "sulit dalam" dan lex (berasal dari bahasa legein, yang artinya "berbicara"). Jadi, menderita disleksia berarti menderita kesulitan yang berhubungan dengan kata atau simbol-simbol tulis. Walau tidak menjalani pengobatan khusus, seorang penderita disleksia tidak akan selamanya menderita gangguan membaca dan menulis. Ketika pertumbuhan otak dan sel otaknya sudah sempurna, ia akan dapat mengatasinya.

Seseorang yang menderita disleksia mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar membaca. Kelainan ini mungkin disebabkan oleh ketidakmampuan dalam menghubungkan antara lisan dan tertulis, atau kesulitan mengenal hubungan antara suara dan kata tertulis. Anak yang belum diketahui menderita disleksia, dapat merasa rendah diri karena kesulitan yang dialami dalam mengejar pelajaran dengan kawan-kawan sebaya. Kadang-kadang orang yang menderita disleksia salah menduga bahwa anak yang menderita disleksia juga menderita cacat jiwa.

Kalau seorang anak ditemui mulai mempunyai kebiasaan membaca terlalu cepat hingga salah mengucapkan kata bahkan terlalu lambat dan terputus, maka itu adalah gejala disleksia. Sampai sekarang masih belum diketahui secara pasti apa penyebab gangguan ini. Yang jelas sebagian besar neurolog berpendapat ini merupakan faktor saraf atau otak, sama sekali bukan karena anak itu bodoh atau bahkan idiot seperti mayoritas pendapat orang. Yang unik, sebagian besar penderita disleksia adalah kaum lelaki. Dr. Michel Rutter dari King's College, London, membuktikan bahwa jumlah murid lelaki di sekolah yang menderita disleksia setidaknya dua kali jumlah murid perempuan. Ruter dan rekan telah menganalisis lebih dari 10.000 anak-anak SElandia Baru yang diikutkan dalam uiji membaca standar, usia anak-anak itu berkisar 7 - 15 tahun. Disleksia ditemukan pada 18 hingga 22 perses murid lelaki, sedangkan pada murid perempuan berkisar 8 - 13 persen saja.

Masih perlu dilakukan riset lanjutan untuk mengetahu penyebabnya. Namun berdasar diagnosis, gangguan kemampuan membaca pada anak lelaki oleh kecenderungan mereka untuk bertingkah aneh-aneh dalam kelas ketika merasa frustasi pada pelajaran. Tapi kesimpulan tersebut ditepis oleh Sheldon Horowitz, direktur National Center for Learning Disabilities, menurutnya anak lelaki sesungguhnya tidak cenderung menderita disleksia.

Climate Change

According to the report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (I PCC) 2001, the air temperature of the earth will warm up about 1,4 to 5,8 degress celcius. This will affect most countries on the American and European Continents and most of the countries in South East Asia.

In 1995, Thailan produced aroutn 175 thousand tons of CO2 emissions from it's energy sector and from cement manufacturing. According to the research on variations of surface air temperature by Dewa Abdul Quadir et al., the air temperature showed warming approximately 0.02 Celcius per year. It suggests that Tahiland has already started to sudffer from changes in the climate.

The major exports from Thailand are agricultural producst, therefore, the increasing air temperature and reducing raindall is causinmg insufficient levels of moisture in the soil, less humidity in the atmosphere and reductions in the available water supply. It affects the growth of crop yields leading to the reduction of the agricultural products, especially in rice. Not only does the reduction in precipitation effect the cultivated areas, but alos "intermittent" periods of heavy rainfall casse flooding.

Low-lying beaches, islands and coral reefs have all been damage by heavier downpour than usual. As a case study, Phuket is an island in the South West of Thailand in the Andaman Sea. It is greatly affected by Southwest Monsoon. The season brings constant rain to this island especially in September. Therefore, Phuket will be irredeemably damage by the effects of climate change.

Thursday 15 October 2015


Rooting android terdapat 2 cara:
1. Rooting dengan PC
2. Rooting tanpa PC

Rooting tanpa PC bisa menggunakan Framaroot. Contoh artikel disini: https://jalantikus.com/tips/cara-mudah-root-semua-jenis-android-tanpa-pc-3897/

Thursday 8 October 2015

Alternative to DDNS

Using ftp
1. Create website at 000webhost.com
2. Login to 000webhost.com
3. Get ftp address
4. Get ftp username

At cisco device
1. Kron
2. Recurring kron
3. FTP command to 000webhost.com's ftp server

Pertanian rumah: Melihat penyakit tumbuhan cabai

To Medan and back yow..

Web Crawler

Basic program style:
n = 0
for i = 0 To 26
  For j = 0 To 26
    For k = 0 To 26
      a[n][1] = Text.GetCharacter(97+k)
      a[n][2] = Text.GetCharacter(97+j)
      a[n][3] = Text.GetCharacter(97+i)
      TextWindow.WriteLine(a[n][1] + " " + a[n][2] + " " + a[n][3])
      url = a[n][1] + a[n][2] + a[n][3]
      c[n] = Network.GetWebPageContents("http://"+url+".com")
      n = n + 1     

Algorithm writing songs

1. Selecting any option 5 notes
2. Creating a chord variations of note
4. Ring the chord

Sunday 4 October 2015

Dasar QoS konsep

Beberapa defenisi / pengertian

Trafik mobil merah boleh lewat sekian
Trafik mobil hijau boleh lewat sekian.

Quality of Service (QoS) is a set of technologies for managing network traffic in a cost-effective manner to enhance user experiences for home and enterprise environments. QoS technologies allow you to measure bandwidth, detect changing network conditions (such as congestion or availability of bandwidth), and prioritize or throttle traffic. For example, QoS technologies can be applied to prioritize traffic for latency-sensitive applications (such as voice or video) and to control the impact of latency-insensitive traffic (such as bulk data transfers).

What is a doctor type of traffic control?
First in first out.

Saturday 3 October 2015

1. Klik button Start apache
2. Klik button admin
3. Klik
pi@raspberrypi / $ ls
bin   dev  home  lost+found  mnt  proc  run   selinux  sys  usr
boot  etc  lib   media       opt  root  sbin  srv      tmp  var

How to Install or uninstall Webmin Linux Raspberry Pi

How to Install

Steps are:
1.First, download the file:
$ sudo wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webadmin-1.580.tar.gz

2. Sec, unzip the file:
$ sudo tar -zxvf webmin-1.580.tar.gz

3. Third, make directory/folder at /var/www/
$ sudo mkdir /var/www/webmin

4. Fourth, change directory to webmin-1.580
$ cd webmin-1.580

5. Fifth, run the simple setup script
$ sudo sh setup.sh /var/www/webmin

6. Finish. Open your browser to:

How to Uninstall

$ sudo /etc/webmin/uninstall.sh